Monthly Archives: March 2013



Easter is the only time of year i buy ham. I am not talking about Jennie-O Turkey ham, but 100% full flavor pork. Right now Safeway has whole hams for only $.99 a pound. But who eats a whole ham? Not this family I promise you. I just hand it over to the in-store butcher and have him slice it into quarters. Yes that is still more that we go through in 1 dinner but I plan leftovers. Generally I will get at least 2 meals from each quarter and sometimes up to 4. So 1 whole ham produces 10 meals. That averages out to $1.80 a meal for the ham.


There are lots of ways to freeze food but I prefer to wrap my hams. First i do 3 layers of Serane and then butcher paper. I pick up butcher paper from the local butcher in town where people get their beef cut and wrapped. An end roll cost me $10 3 years ago and there is still plenty left. And the kids use it all the time.


This stuff is wider than anything in the store and if the professionals use it, I will too. Always label your meat and date it so you know what it is and when you purchased it. Happy EASTER everyone!

Glass Coasters



Glass Tile

This project was spurred by the simple fact the girls wanted to do it
We were in Lowe’s and looking at the clearance items when we should have been looking at wall hangers. The girls liked the tile and asked what I could do with them.

For starters we chose the tile with rounded edges. This looks so much nicer than the flat, unfinished style.


At home I pulled out some black fleece and cut into squares 1/4 smaller than the tile. Looking back I realize I should have used a rotary cutter to do it.

Next i glued the felt with craft glue.


Instant set of 6 coasters for $2. They slide very easy when pushed but stay in place when being used.

I have some ideas for next time, I’ll let you know how it goes.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day



This time of year is when I buy my corn beef. It freezes well and the price can’t be beat. Some have definite preferences over flat versus point cut. The point tends to be cheaper and fattier. Easter is in March this year so I will be buying Ham pretty soon. I always stock up around holidays with those items that are on sale.